My name is Jessica Heuer and I have always been a little bit behind the times when it comes to social media.  I did not get a Facebook account until the end of my senior year of high school in 2008.  At the time I was not against social media but just really didn’t see the point of it or why it would be fun to have an account.  I held an attitude similar to Thomas H. Church in his role as Emma Stone’s teacher in the film Easy A, expressing his dismay with the new social networking site, “Why do I care that Roman is having an OK day and just bought a coke zero?”  Since that time, I have found much more value in the use of Facebook; using it not only to keep in contact with friends but also as a tool to stay current on important events happening around the world.  I will discuss this more in my first essay!

Concerning other forms of social media, I again am rather stunted.  I had a Twitter account for maybe two weeks before deleting it, I have never had an Instagram and rarely, if ever read any blogs.  I do have a LinkedIn account and upon entering the workforce I believe will be a valuable professional resource.  As a student however, I have found little use for it.  All in all, I don’t really see the point of Instagram and Twitter since there is already Facebook that basically does the same things.  I suppose Twitter allows you to be in closer contact with people of influence or those that interest you but for the most part I didn’t really like it when my account was active.

So far, all of this sounds quite negative and “anti-social media” but I assure you this is not the case.  My limited involvement with these types of communication is not due to any strong negative associations but instead perhaps a misunderstanding of their function.  I am very much on board with Facebook (although there are some cons to the site, as is true with most things) but have trouble finding the purpose for things like Twitter and Instagram.  Although my experience is lacking, I hope to learn more about the web saavy lifestyle in this course and hopefully find new and exciting aspects to social media that I have not ever considered.  I just hope that I haven’t gotten in over my head!


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